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Python ACR Client module

Contains a simple client for calling the v2 endpoints of the ACRCloud API.


poetry add acrclient

# or on old setup style projects
pip -m install acrclient


>>> from acrclient import Client
>>> client = Client(bearer_token="bearer-token")


# setup a dev env
python -mvenv env
. env/bin/activate

# install a modern poetry version
python -mpip install poetry>=1.2.0

# install deps and dev version
poetry install

# make changes, run tests
poetry run pytest

Release Management

The CI/CD setup uses semantic commit messages following the conventional commits standard. There is a GitHub Action in .github/workflows/semantic-release.yaml that uses go-semantic-commit to create new releases.

The commit message should be structured as follows:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

The commit contains the following structural elements, to communicate intent to the consumers of your library:

  1. fix: a commit of the type fix patches gets released with a PATCH version bump
  2. feat: a commit of the type feat gets released as a MINOR version bump
  3. BREAKING CHANGE: a commit that has a footer BREAKING CHANGE: gets released as a MAJOR version bump
  4. types other than fix: and feat: are allowed and don't trigger a release

If a commit does not contain a conventional commit style message you can fix it during the squash and merge operation on the PR.

Once a commit has landed on the main branch a release will be created and automatically published to pypi using the GitHub Action in .github/workflows/release.yaml which uses poetry to publish the package to pypi.


This package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Radio Bern RaBe