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AcrCloud client.


Client class with various methods to call ACRCloud API v2 endpoints.


Create an instance with configuration.
>>> bearer_token = "bearer-token"
>>> config = Client.Config(retries= 5, backoff_factor= 0.1)
>>> client = Client(bearer_token, config=config)

Source code in acrclient/
class Client:
    """Client class with various methods to call ACRCloud API v2 endpoints.

        Create an instance with configuration.
        >>> bearer_token = "bearer-token"
        >>> config = Client.Config(retries= 5, backoff_factor= 0.1)
        >>> client = Client(bearer_token, config=config)



    class Config:
        """Configuration for acrclient."""

        def __init__(
            self: Self,
            retries: bool | int | None = 5,
            backoff_factor: float = 0.1,
        ) -> None:

            retries: Total number of retries to allow.

            backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the
                second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try
                without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for::
                    {backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1))
                seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then :func:`Retry.sleep`
                will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. It will
                never be longer than `backoff_max`.
                By default, backoff is set to 0.1.

            self._retries: bool | int | None = retries
            self._backoff_factor: float = backoff_factor

        def retries(self: Self) -> bool | int | None:
            """Get total number of allowed retries."""
            return self._retries

        def backoff_factor(self: Self) -> float:
            """Get backoff factor to applied between attempts."""
            return self._backoff_factor

    def __init__(
        self: Self,
        bearer_token: str,
        base_url: str = "",
        config: Config | None = None,
    ) -> None:

        bearer_token: The bearer token for ACRCloud.

        self.base_url: str = base_url

        self._config: Client.Config | None = config or Client.Config()
        self._auth: _Auth = _Auth(bearer_token=bearer_token)
        self._session = Session()

    def get(
        self: Self,
        path: str,
        params: Any = None,  # noqa: ANN401
        **kwargs: Any,  # noqa: ANN401
    ) -> Response:
        """Fetch JSON data from ACRCloud API with set Access Key param.

            path: URL path
            params: Parameters for request (usually used as GET params)
            **kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

            Response object

        url = f"{self.base_url}{path}"
        if not kwargs.get("timeout"):
            kwargs["timeout"] = 60

        # pylint: disable-next=missing-timeout
        response = self._session.get(url=url, auth=self._auth, params=params, **kwargs)
        return response

    def json(
        self: Self,
        path: str,
        params: Any = None,  # noqa: ANN401
        **kwargs: Any,  # noqa: ANN401
    ) -> Any:  # noqa: ANN401
        """Get the json results of a get call.

            path: URL path
            params: Parameters for request (usually used as GET params)
            **kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

            Data from API

        response = self.get(path, params=params, **kwargs)
        return response.json()

    def get_bm_cs_projects_results(
        self: Self,
        project_id: int,
        stream_id: str,
        params: GetBmCsProjectsResultsParams | None = None,
        **kwargs: Any,  # noqa: ANN401
    ) -> Any:  # noqa: ANN401
        """Get Custom Broadcast Monitoring Streams Results from ACRCloud.

            project_id: Custom Broadcast Monitoring Project ID
            stream_id: Custom Broadcast Monitoring Stream ID
            params: GET parameters for request
            **kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

            Data from API

        return self.json(


Configuration for acrclient.

Source code in acrclient/
class Config:
    """Configuration for acrclient."""

    def __init__(
        self: Self,
        retries: bool | int | None = 5,
        backoff_factor: float = 0.1,
    ) -> None:

        retries: Total number of retries to allow.

        backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the
            second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try
            without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for::
                {backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1))
            seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then :func:`Retry.sleep`
            will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. It will
            never be longer than `backoff_max`.
            By default, backoff is set to 0.1.

        self._retries: bool | int | None = retries
        self._backoff_factor: float = backoff_factor

    def retries(self: Self) -> bool | int | None:
        """Get total number of allowed retries."""
        return self._retries

    def backoff_factor(self: Self) -> float:
        """Get backoff factor to applied between attempts."""
        return self._backoff_factor

backoff_factor: float property

Get backoff factor to applied between attempts.

retries: bool | int | None property

Get total number of allowed retries.

__init__(retries=5, backoff_factor=0.1)


retries: Total number of retries to allow.

A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the

second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for:: {backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1)) seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then :func:Retry.sleep will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. It will never be longer than backoff_max. By default, backoff is set to 0.1.

Source code in acrclient/
def __init__(
    self: Self,
    retries: bool | int | None = 5,
    backoff_factor: float = 0.1,
) -> None:

    retries: Total number of retries to allow.

    backoff_factor: A backoff factor to apply between attempts after the
        second try (most errors are resolved immediately by a second try
        without a delay). urllib3 will sleep for::
            {backoff factor} * (2 ** ({number of total retries} - 1))
        seconds. If the backoff_factor is 0.1, then :func:`Retry.sleep`
        will sleep for [0.0s, 0.2s, 0.4s, ...] between retries. It will
        never be longer than `backoff_max`.
        By default, backoff is set to 0.1.

    self._retries: bool | int | None = retries
    self._backoff_factor: float = backoff_factor

__init__(bearer_token, base_url='', config=None)


bearer_token: The bearer token for ACRCloud.

Source code in acrclient/
def __init__(
    self: Self,
    bearer_token: str,
    base_url: str = "",
    config: Config | None = None,
) -> None:

    bearer_token: The bearer token for ACRCloud.

    self.base_url: str = base_url

    self._config: Client.Config | None = config or Client.Config()
    self._auth: _Auth = _Auth(bearer_token=bearer_token)
    self._session = Session()

get(path, params=None, **kwargs)

Fetch JSON data from ACRCloud API with set Access Key param.

path: URL path
params: Parameters for request (usually used as GET params)
**kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

Response object
Source code in acrclient/
def get(
    self: Self,
    path: str,
    params: Any = None,  # noqa: ANN401
    **kwargs: Any,  # noqa: ANN401
) -> Response:
    """Fetch JSON data from ACRCloud API with set Access Key param.

        path: URL path
        params: Parameters for request (usually used as GET params)
        **kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

        Response object

    url = f"{self.base_url}{path}"
    if not kwargs.get("timeout"):
        kwargs["timeout"] = 60

    # pylint: disable-next=missing-timeout
    response = self._session.get(url=url, auth=self._auth, params=params, **kwargs)
    return response

get_bm_cs_projects_results(project_id, stream_id, params=None, **kwargs)

Get Custom Broadcast Monitoring Streams Results from ACRCloud.

project_id: Custom Broadcast Monitoring Project ID
stream_id: Custom Broadcast Monitoring Stream ID
params: GET parameters for request
**kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

Data from API
Source code in acrclient/
def get_bm_cs_projects_results(
    self: Self,
    project_id: int,
    stream_id: str,
    params: GetBmCsProjectsResultsParams | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any,  # noqa: ANN401
) -> Any:  # noqa: ANN401
    """Get Custom Broadcast Monitoring Streams Results from ACRCloud.

        project_id: Custom Broadcast Monitoring Project ID
        stream_id: Custom Broadcast Monitoring Stream ID
        params: GET parameters for request
        **kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

        Data from API

    return self.json(

json(path, params=None, **kwargs)

Get the json results of a get call.

path: URL path
params: Parameters for request (usually used as GET params)
**kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

Data from API
Source code in acrclient/
def json(
    self: Self,
    path: str,
    params: Any = None,  # noqa: ANN401
    **kwargs: Any,  # noqa: ANN401
) -> Any:  # noqa: ANN401
    """Get the json results of a get call.

        path: URL path
        params: Parameters for request (usually used as GET params)
        **kwargs: Get passed to `requests.get`

        Data from API

    response = self.get(path, params=params, **kwargs)
    return response.json()