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Get a RaBe CRID.

get(timestamp=None, fragment='')

Get a RaBe CRID.


You can get a CRID for a specific time.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from pytz import timezone
>>> crid = get(datetime(2020, 3, 1, 00, 00, tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Zurich')))
>>> print(f"version: {crid.version}, start: {crid.start}")
version: v1, start: ...


timestamp: Exact time you want a CRID for.
    If left empty, a CRID for the current time is generated.
fragment: Optional fragment to add to the end of the CRID.

CRID: The generated CRID.
Source code in cridlib/
def get(timestamp: datetime | None = None, fragment: str = "") -> CRID:
    """Get a RaBe CRID.

        You can get a CRID for a specific time.

        >>> from datetime import datetime
        >>> from pytz import timezone
        >>> crid = get(datetime(2020, 3, 1, 00, 00, tzinfo=timezone('Europe/Zurich')))
        >>> print(f"version: {crid.version}, start: {crid.start}")
        version: v1, start: ...


        timestamp: Exact time you want a CRID for.
            If left empty, a CRID for the current time is generated.
        fragment: Optional fragment to add to the end of the CRID.

        CRID: The generated CRID.

    _now =
    _ts = timestamp or _now
    _show = ""
    if _ts == _now:
        _show = now.get_show()
    elif _ts < _now:
        _show = past.get_show(past=_ts)
    elif _ts > _now:  # pragma: no cover
        _show = future.get_show(future=_ts)

    if _show:
        _show = canonicalize_show(_show)

    _tscode = f"t=clock={_ts.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%f')[:-4]}Z"
    _fragment = f"{_tscode}{'&' + fragment if fragment else ''}"

    return CRID(f"crid://{'/' + _show if _show else ''}#{_fragment}")