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Handle shows from the past.


Return a show from the past.

Asks the the raar archive for the info.

past: Date to get the show name for.

Show name from the archive for `past`.
Source code in cridlib/strategy/
def get_show(past: datetime) -> str:
    """Return a show from the past.

    Asks the the [raar]( archive for the info.

        past: Date to get the show name for.

        Show name from the archive for `past`.

    _url = f"{__ARCHIV_BROADCASTS_URL}{past.year}/{past.month:02d}/{}/{past.hour:02d}{past.minute:02d}{past.second:02d}"  # noqa: E501
    _resp = get_session().get(_url, timeout=10)
    _json = _resp.json()
    _data = _json.get("data")
    _label = str(_data[0].get("attributes").get("label")) if len(_data) == 1 else ""

    return _label.lower().replace(" ", "-")