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module containing the ACRCloud client.


Bases: Client

ACRCloud client wrapper to fetch metadata.

bearer_token: The bearer token for ACRCloud.
Source code in suisa_sendemeldung/
class ACRClient(Client):
    """ACRCloud client wrapper to fetch metadata.

        bearer_token: The bearer token for ACRCloud.


    # format of timestamp in api answer
    TS_FMT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    # timezone of ACRCloud

    def __init__(
        self: Self, bearer_token: str, base_url: str = ""
    ) -> None:
        """Init subclass with default_date."""
        super().__init__(bearer_token=bearer_token, base_url=base_url)
        self.default_date: date = - timedelta(days=1)  # noqa: DTZ011

    def get_data(
        self: Self,
        project_id: int,
        stream_id: str,
        requested_date: date | None = None,
        timezone: str = ACR_TIMEZONE,
    ) -> Any:  # noqa: ANN401
        """Fetch metadata from ACRCloud for `stream_id`.

            project_id: The Project ID of the stream.
            stream_id: The ID of the stream.
            requested_date: The date of the entries you want (default: yesterday).
            timezone: The timezone to use for localization.

            json: The ACR data from date

        if requested_date is None:
            requested_date = self.default_date
        data = self.get_bm_cs_projects_results(
        for entry in data:
            metadata = entry.get("metadata")
            ts_utc = pytz.utc.localize(
                datetime.strptime(metadata.get("timestamp_utc"), ACRClient.TS_FMT),  # noqa: DTZ007
            ts_local = ts_utc.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone))
            metadata.update({"timestamp_local": ts_local.strftime(ACRClient.TS_FMT)})

        return data

    def get_interval_data(  # noqa: ANN201
        self: Self,
        project_id: int,
        stream_id: str,
        start: date,
        end: date,
        timezone: str = ACR_TIMEZONE,
        """Get data specified by interval from start to end.

            project_id: The ID of the project.
            stream_id: The ID of the stream.
            start: The start date of the interval.
            end: The end date of the interval.
            timezone (optional): will be passed to `get_data()`.

            json: The ACR data from start to end.

        trim = False
        # if we have to localize the timestamps we may need more data
        if timezone != ACRClient.ACR_TIMEZONE:
            # compute utc offset
            offset = pytz.timezone(timezone).utcoffset(  # noqa: DTZ005
            # decrease start by 1 day if we're ahead of utc
            if offset > timedelta(seconds=1):
                computed_start = start - timedelta(days=1)
                computed_end = end
                trim = True
            # increase end by 1 day if we're behind of utc
            elif offset < timedelta(seconds=1):
                computed_start = start
                computed_end = end + timedelta(days=1)
                trim = True
            computed_start = start
            computed_end = end

        dates = []
        ptr = computed_start
        while ptr <= computed_end:
            ptr += timedelta(days=1)
        data = []
        # make the prefix longer by this amount so tqdm lines up with
        # the one in the main code
        ljust_amount: int = 27
        for ptr in tqdm(dates, desc="load ACRCloud data".ljust(ljust_amount)):
            data += self.get_data(

        # if timestamps are localized we will have to removed the unneeded entries.
        if trim:
            for entry in reversed(data):
                metadata = entry.get("metadata")
                timestamp = metadata.get("timestamp_local")
                timestamp_date = datetime.strptime(timestamp, ACRClient.TS_FMT).date()  # noqa: DTZ007
                if timestamp_date < start or timestamp_date > end:

        return data

__init__(bearer_token, base_url='')

Init subclass with default_date.

Source code in suisa_sendemeldung/
def __init__(
    self: Self, bearer_token: str, base_url: str = ""
) -> None:
    """Init subclass with default_date."""
    super().__init__(bearer_token=bearer_token, base_url=base_url)
    self.default_date: date = - timedelta(days=1)  # noqa: DTZ011

get_data(project_id, stream_id, requested_date=None, timezone=ACR_TIMEZONE)

Fetch metadata from ACRCloud for stream_id.

project_id: The Project ID of the stream.
stream_id: The ID of the stream.
requested_date: The date of the entries you want (default: yesterday).
timezone: The timezone to use for localization.

json: The ACR data from date
Source code in suisa_sendemeldung/
def get_data(
    self: Self,
    project_id: int,
    stream_id: str,
    requested_date: date | None = None,
    timezone: str = ACR_TIMEZONE,
) -> Any:  # noqa: ANN401
    """Fetch metadata from ACRCloud for `stream_id`.

        project_id: The Project ID of the stream.
        stream_id: The ID of the stream.
        requested_date: The date of the entries you want (default: yesterday).
        timezone: The timezone to use for localization.

        json: The ACR data from date

    if requested_date is None:
        requested_date = self.default_date
    data = self.get_bm_cs_projects_results(
    for entry in data:
        metadata = entry.get("metadata")
        ts_utc = pytz.utc.localize(
            datetime.strptime(metadata.get("timestamp_utc"), ACRClient.TS_FMT),  # noqa: DTZ007
        ts_local = ts_utc.astimezone(pytz.timezone(timezone))
        metadata.update({"timestamp_local": ts_local.strftime(ACRClient.TS_FMT)})

    return data

get_interval_data(project_id, stream_id, start, end, timezone=ACR_TIMEZONE)

Get data specified by interval from start to end.

project_id: The ID of the project.
stream_id: The ID of the stream.
start: The start date of the interval.
end: The end date of the interval.
timezone (optional): will be passed to `get_data()`.

json: The ACR data from start to end.
Source code in suisa_sendemeldung/
def get_interval_data(  # noqa: ANN201
    self: Self,
    project_id: int,
    stream_id: str,
    start: date,
    end: date,
    timezone: str = ACR_TIMEZONE,
    """Get data specified by interval from start to end.

        project_id: The ID of the project.
        stream_id: The ID of the stream.
        start: The start date of the interval.
        end: The end date of the interval.
        timezone (optional): will be passed to `get_data()`.

        json: The ACR data from start to end.

    trim = False
    # if we have to localize the timestamps we may need more data
    if timezone != ACRClient.ACR_TIMEZONE:
        # compute utc offset
        offset = pytz.timezone(timezone).utcoffset(  # noqa: DTZ005
        # decrease start by 1 day if we're ahead of utc
        if offset > timedelta(seconds=1):
            computed_start = start - timedelta(days=1)
            computed_end = end
            trim = True
        # increase end by 1 day if we're behind of utc
        elif offset < timedelta(seconds=1):
            computed_start = start
            computed_end = end + timedelta(days=1)
            trim = True
        computed_start = start
        computed_end = end

    dates = []
    ptr = computed_start
    while ptr <= computed_end:
        ptr += timedelta(days=1)
    data = []
    # make the prefix longer by this amount so tqdm lines up with
    # the one in the main code
    ljust_amount: int = 27
    for ptr in tqdm(dates, desc="load ACRCloud data".ljust(ljust_amount)):
        data += self.get_data(

    # if timestamps are localized we will have to removed the unneeded entries.
    if trim:
        for entry in reversed(data):
            metadata = entry.get("metadata")
            timestamp = metadata.get("timestamp_local")
            timestamp_date = datetime.strptime(timestamp, ACRClient.TS_FMT).date()  # noqa: DTZ007
            if timestamp_date < start or timestamp_date > end:

    return data